Unable to contain my excitement, I ripped the box open to see it filled with birthday gifts and cards from not only my mom, but other family members as well.

Eek! Naturally, coming from my mother, the box smelled amazing. Quite thoughtfully, she included a couple scented envelope sachets as well as other smelly treats including delightful "birthday" scented body wash from Sephora. Which, speaking of, is the coolest thing about my mom. I casually mentioned to her a few weeks ago that I was using shampoo rather than body wash because I had none and it was too expensive to buy here. Being the most amazing mom that she is, she sent me some.

There were also several other vital necessities including not one, but TWO jars of bare minerals (they're 52 euros each here.. no way I was spending that), the most beautiful earrings that I think I'll wear tonight when I go out, a couple cute notepads, a bookmark, a stationary set (hinting something, perhaps?), a copy of Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone, and the coolest HP card from my sister Gracie... She's so awesome. Oh, and I can't forget the various lotion and makeup samples (she knows what a nut I am about samples). A couple of which were of lotions we had tried together at Bella's Boutique. Ahh, memories.

And then there was the crazy aftermath after so much excitement. I think I'll clean it up later and enjoy my gifts for now. Thanks a million mama!
I want to send you things! It'll probably be really boring and not nearly as nice as your mama's... but things nonetheless! Would you send me your address in a fb message?!