Naturally, as sick as I was, I made no plans for the day. I figured I'd take a nap, Skype my mom, read a book, call it a day, and have a birthday re-do this weekend. Luckily, I work for the best family who had the sweetest birthday surprise in store!
It was a pretty formal affair. My sickly self wore some pajamas, Elijah was considerate enough to don underwear, and Naemi sported her very best diaper. Then the fun began...
In true American fashion, there were hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, and cake. But the celebration proved to be too much for Elijah and Naemi, who had skipped their afternoon nap. I tried to convince them that since it was my birthday they weren't allowed to cry, but hey, it was my party and they'd cry if they wanted to. I tried not to laugh while I ate my hamburger and observed the chaos thinking, "who wouldn't be envious of me right now?"
But in all seriousness, it was good, crazy fun and in the end who couldn't love faces like these even when they're contorted in screams?

And the meal was positively delicious. Especially the yummy cake that even Elijah and Naemi couldn't cry about.

So yes, it was a birthday bash if there ever was one. I'm now going to bed full, happy, and incredibly grateful that I've made these memories. Because Lord knows there will be a day when I think, "things are too quiet- I wish there were some screaming kids around." But seriously, thank you Awital, I couldn't have wished for more!
Stay tuned for my recuperation and more birthday fun this weekend!
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