Saturday, July 2, 2011

"This is kind of like Disneyland"

Today was my first official day "out on the town." I tried exploring Helsinki a bit last night, but that went terribly wrong after my many mishaps with public transportation. Anyway, today, armed with back-up and a destination, I was able to see what Helsinki was all about. Although I only caught glimpses as we made our way to the zoo (which is on a really cool island off the coast!), I now feel much more prepared to face the city again tomorrow. In the meantime, I present to you Helsinki in a nutshell.


This is Helsinki. Lots of people and lots of cool things to see and do. It reminds me of Disneyland, not even kidding.


A typical Helsinki street and a typical Finnish family.


I'm just throwing this out there, but I think bikes are a popular form of transportation.


In summer, berries are the thing in Finland. They're sold and eaten everywhere. And they're super delicious too.


Along with the berries, there are a variety of fruits and vegetables sold in a little outdoor market near the harbor.


There are several of these old, green statues in the town squares. I'm not sure of the history behind them, but I will certainly find out.




I don't love all the seagulls. They're very aggressive and I've been warned several times about buying ice cream near the harbor. Apparently they're swooping thieves.


Sexy Finnish men on their motorcycles... Mmmm.


The Lutheran Cathedral- one of Helsinki's most recognized landmarks. Finally seeing it in person after months of googling images was pretty amazing.



And finally, one of the many train stations. A key component in finding my way back home.

So yes, that is a very small look at a place that has so much to see and be explored- I can't wait! Today was great though. I still can't get over how beautiful and amazing everything is. Never having been to Europe, a place with so much history is a bit overwhelming. It's like something out of a movie. Sure, I've seen people's pictures of their travels throughout Europe and in cities just as (if not more) beautiful than Helsinki, but actually being there and seeing it with your own eyes is a different experience entirely.

Wish me luck tomorrow!

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