Anyway, I finally saw HP tonight. I almost wish I hadn't, knowing the emotions it would evoke. Harry Potter is a very sentimental subject for me and seeing the final movie in a foreign country and by myself? Well, I was practically saying, "come on eyeballs, lets see how many tears you've got!"
After getting my Fazer chocolate at the concessions (which is more like a candy store, mind you) I sat down in my seat (row 16, seat 7) and prepared myself. On my left was a canoodling couple. I told them I would cry and apologized in advance for it. They laughed. On my right were two guys, both of which I found embarrassingly attractive. "This is in english right?" I asked them, suddenly worried that the movie was dubbed, even though I had heard countless times that the Finns just added subtitles. I don't remember exactly what they said, but they assured me it was in english so I returned to my chocolate and waited patiently.
They movie started. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" appeared, the finnish and swedish subtitles did too, the theme music began, and... uh oh... so did the tears.
Basically that's how my night went. I think I was so overwhelmed by my emotions that I almost found the movie underwhelming. Which isn't too surprising, I mean, its the end of an era. An era that's lasted, for me, 11 years. I read the first four books when I was eight. And now, at nineteen, I've seen the final film. It's over and that makes me wish I would have held off on the movie for a bit while longer. Finally seeing it means that its finally over. With such a depressed mindset, I walked through the city and back to the train station questioning my life, this place, and the people around me. Feeling alone, I hated them all and wondered if any of them gave a damn about anything as important as Harry Potter. Probably not, I told my myself.
It also made me wish I was back home in Montana, watching the movie tonight with a theater full of friends, family, and everyone else in the whole dang town. Everyone that I know and recognize, rather than a theater full of foreign strangers. I mean, I've seen movies 4, 5, and 6 at the Pharaohplex midnight showing. I remember when Rachel Hudson dressed up as the Whomping Willow and all of the eighth grade was falling asleep the next day after seeing the Goblet of Fire.
Okay, I'm getting way to sappy and ridiculous. Seeing it here was not all that bad. The Finnish crowd is actually pretty fun. You know those moments in a movie that aren't supposed to be funny, but are? And you know it's inappropriate to laugh so you don't? Well, the Finns do. And they laugh hard too. Especially at the end of Harry Potter.. They were all hooting and hollering. You'll know why. And when the credits rolled they clapped and whistled and made me generally very pleased with their enthusiasm.
So yes, that was how I experienced one of the most important events of my generation in a foreign country. I'm still pretty depressed at the moment, but nothing a little Harry Potter book action can't fix. So Mom, can you spend a couple hundred dollars and send me my books?
haha, I love how you ended that post, asking mom for money. I almost cried reading this post! Not only because this is the end, but also because you were in a theater feeling sad about the end! If I had powers of teleportation, I would have teleported to the seat next to you fo sho.
ReplyDeleteSee I shouldve been there with you to see the film haha. So in Berlin me and my friend came across the local Potter fans and the obsessed fan that I am went to them and told them about meeting the twins, which resulted on them wanting to kill me, lol. So yeah, I was chatting with them about James and Oliver and about the fact that they were seeing the premiere in Berlin. I was crushed, knowing they only have the dubbed version, BUT then they told me there was one, and only ONE, theater that played the original version of it, so me and my friend went and found it and yeah, pretty much I cried trough out the whole movie.. My friend even told me to stop crying cause supposedly I was ruining the movie for others LOL, but no, there was no stop to my tears, it was too emotional. End of an era, as you said. But Im glad I saw it, and it was the premiere, so Im proud of myself, even if we used half of our daily budget to pay for the overpriced 3d tickets.. BTW if your mom does not send you the books, go check out Sellos library, its a good one. So get you a library card and Im sure they have the books there. I would let you read mine, but they are in Finnish soo wont help you much.
ReplyDeleteokay, this was way too long, but I had to write you about my experience, cause it was kind of similar to yours, only you didnt get any hate from crying hahah.