Really? Seriously? The population of Helsinki alone is 600,000, with a population or over 1,000,000 in the Greater Helsinki region. I come from a town 12,000. In fact, my home state doesn't even have a million people. That, people, is small.
Now, I had originally called foul on the Finns complaints, but now I'm beginning to see things differently. There have been several occasions in which I've seen people more than once and have even met people with whom I share a mutual friend. Then, I ran into that woman who had read and recognized me from my blog. But then (and this is where things get crazy) I saw someone that I recognized from their blog. Madness!
Here's the story. Claire and I were hanging out in Helsinki eating some ice cream last Wednesday afternoon (yes, this is a late post) when I saw a girl crossing the street who looked vaguely familiar. Then I realized that I had stumbled across her blog while googling "travel helsinki blogs" and things like that. ( Though her blog totally did not impress me. It had some cliche, generic name and too often complained about the stereotypical things an American would complain about in a foreign country. Clearly, her and I could not be friends.) Nevertheless, shocked that it could actually be her, I decided to play the name game. Essentially, yelling out her name and looking away non-chalantly like it wasn't me. Sure enough, she responded!
Yup, I name-gamed some poor girl I had never met in the middle of a foreign city. Moral of the story? Helsinki really is a small city. Either that, or I'm the biggest creep in the world. You decide.
Anyhow, Claire and I enjoyed the rest of our day running around with a Finnish flag and taking pictures in the city. I already posted these pictures on Facebook, but if you, like me, are a creep and don't actually know me in real life, then please, enjoy.

In all honesty we think its such a big world, but when it comes down to really is a small world. <3 Miss you but LOVING your blog!