In my blogging absence, many notable things have happened, the craziest and most recent of which was my purse being stolen. It happened Thursday night. After watching the Finnish National Championship in fireworks, Claire and I hung around in the city for a while, ending the night with a trip to McDonald's- always a favorite past-time of mine (I am American, after all). But unfortunately, the meal was not a happy one. After finishing my Big Mac and fries, I go to grab my purse (which was sitting on the seat right next to me, at the same table and everything) only to find that it is no longer there. Panic ensues.
For the next several hours, I'm running around Helsinki like a mad woman, wailing, crying, and acting totally and completely insane. But how could I not? In my purse was my passport, my wallet, my bank cards, my driver's license, my social security card, my $500 PROFESSIONAL SLR DIGITAL CAMERA, my book, my transport card, my umbrella, and other precious items. To put it simply, my life was in that bag. So through the entire night I had multiple people check the security cameras, had the security guard scour the place and search people's backpacks, and even took it upon myself to look through surrounding trash cans searching for any clue of my belonging's whereabouts. I found nothing.
What we did find though was a detailed account of what had happened via the security camera. Although I didn't see it for myself, I was told that after watching us for 20 minutes, the man sitting next to us preceded to take off his jacket and use it as a cover as he slid by me, picking up my purse as he went. The most infuriating part of which being that I was sitting RIGHT THERE. I will never forgive myself for being so ignorant of my surroundings. Sadly, it has never been a problem before now.
Helsinki is a very safe city. Crime is not a common occurrence here. After recounting my stolen purse story to people I often got the reply, "but that never happens here!" And it doesn't. Unless you're me, apparently. But seriously, things like this very rarely occur. Even the police I spoke with that night we're surprised it had happened. Unfortunately, they weren't very helpful or professional. While putting dip in his mouth one asked me, "What did the man look like? Was he Finnish?" I replied, "He didn't look Finnish.." "Oh," the cop said, "was he gypsy?" Ugh.
Anyway, while my purse was recovered the following day with my passport, wallet, bank cards, and all other belongings in it, my camera was missing, which brought the biggest blow. That camera was something I had worked so hard for, something I had earned. Though $500 isn't a ton of a money in the big scheme of things, the camera was by far the most expensive thing I have ever bought. But it's not just that fact that it was expensive, it's the sentimental value more than anything
I bought my camera only days before I moved to Finland. In the past few months it became an extension of myself. Not only a means of expressing myself, but of occupying myself and allowing me to explore a foreign country through the observant lens of a camera. It also became a way for me to share my life in a beautiful way with friends and family all over the world. In short, it became a hobby. Perhaps the only one I've ever had with the exception of sleeping and reading. Basically, my camera meant a lot to me and it hurts my heart so much to know that its now in the hands of someone who doesn't deserve it. Someone who didn't earn it like I did. Uuughhh.
So in conclusion, I'd like to dedicate this post to my camera which I shared so many great memories with. I will miss you little guy.